We do insist that you have SOME shooting experience... just not necessarily Steel Challenge experience.
Shooters under 18 must be accompanied throughout the match by a parent or legal guardian.
- All shooters and spectators on the range are required to wear eye and ear protection, anytime the range is "hot".
- Guns may only be loaded at the stage Loading Table or on the Firing Line.
- All guns must remain "on safe" until the start signal is given.
- No one shall leave the immediate vicinity of the Loading Table with a loaded gun, except to proceed directly to the Firing Line.
- All guns must be cleared before leaving the Firing Line.
- Except when at the Loading Table or on the Firing Line, all guns other than holstered pistols or revolvers shall either:
- have chambers open at all times, or
- have chamber flags inserted in closed actions.
We'll honor several categories:
- Rimfire Pistol (.22 Short, Long, or Long Rifle only)
- Rimfire Rifle (.22 Short, Long, or Long Rifle only)
- Centerfire Pistol (nothing more powerful than factory .357 Magnum)
- Pistol caliber Carbine (nothing more powerful than factory .357 Magnum)
These sessions will consist of one to three stages. Each stage consists of five steel plates: four target plates and a Stop Plate. The object is to hit all five plates once, as fast as one possibly can, with the marked Stop Plate hit last. The score will be the total time, plus any penalties for missed targets or the Stop Plate being hit prematurely. Shooters will shoot five strings for each stage.
Official Steel Challenge events drop the slowest string and add up the four quickest for a total stage time. Those times can be compared nationally to other shooters across the country, as each stage is set up exactly the same. At times our stages may differ slightly from official matches.
We'll be running these sessions just for fun, but each shooter will have the opportunity to keep track of their times.
Here's what will happen:- The shooter will approach the shooters box with an unloaded firearm.
If it's a pistol, it will be either holstered or cased.
If it's a rifle or carbine, it will be either cased, flagged, or with bolt locked open. - The Range Officer will then give the command to "MAKE READY".
The shooter will then prepare and load his firearm to full capacity, while observing all range safety rules.
"Low Ready" will be the accepted start position.
If the shooter has the correct holster, has demonstrated sufficient proficiency in drawing from a holster, and would like to start from the draw, it will be the RO's discretion to allow the shooter to do so. (This is not the time to learn to shoot from a holster.) - The RO will then ask "ARE YOU READY?".
The lack of a negative response will indicate that the shooter is indeed ready. - The RO will then say "STAND BY".
- At the beep the shooter will proceed to shoot the plates once, with the Stop Plate being hit last.
- The RO will then say "PREPARE FOR YOUR NEXT STRING" at which time the shooter will load for the next string.
- At the end of the fifth string, the RO will say "IF YOU'RE FINISHED, UNLOAD AND SHOW CLEAR"
The shooter will then demonstrate that the firearm is clear by unloading it and presenting it for inspection by the RO, all while maintaining proper muzzle direction. - Upon a satisfactory inspection, the RO will say "IF CLEAR, SLIDE FORWARD, HAMMER DOWN, FLAG AND BAG"
(Rimfire firearms need not drop the hammer on an empty chamber.) - After the firearm is secured, any loose rounds or other ammo can be handled and cleared from area.
The command "STOP", may be used by anyone, at any time, if one feels that an unsafe situation is present.
- A rimfire rifle, rimfire pistol, centerfire pistol, or pistol caliber carbine.
- A holster and/or case for each gun.
- At least five magazines for each gun.
The shooter will fire five (5) strings for each stage. The best four (4) strings will be added together to make up the score for the stage. The maximum time for any string is 30 seconds, regardless of misses or penalties.
- Procedural (i.e. Engaging targets in the wrong order): +3 seconds
- Foot Fault: +3 seconds for each shot while at fault
- Miss: +3 seconds each
- Shooting from the wrong box: +3 seconds each hit
- Match Disqualification (MDQ): 150 seconds for every Stage, and you're done shooting for the day
Match Disqualifications are earned by any of the following:- Unsafe firearm handling, anywhere on the property
- Breaking the 180° plane with the muzzle of a firearm
- Moving (taking more than one step) with finger in the trigger guard
- Finger in the trigger guard during reload, unloading, loading or during remedial action
- Holstering a loaded handgun without the external safety applied or on a revolver, with the hammer cocked.
- Dropping or losing control of a firearm
- Retrieving a dropped firearm
- Sweeping anyone (other than yourself) with the muzzle of a firearm
- Any round fired over the berm
- Any negligent discharge
- Unsportsmanlike Conduct
The Range Officer keeps everything running on schedule... or at least tries to.
The Timer Operator ensures that each shooter is ready to participate, times each stage, and assists the shooter to make sure that everything goes well.
The Score Keeper enters the elapsed time and any bonuses, misses, or procedurals on each scorecard.
Don't be afraid to keep score!
It ain't rocket science!
Everyone's a Safety Officer.
If you see someone do anything you think is unsafe, let the Range Officer or Match Director know immediately.
CPFGC Members: $10 - Nonmembers: $15 - Juniors (under 17): FREE